
The seventh congress of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science (HOPOS)

Podczas konferencji Międzynarodowego Towarzystwa Historii Filozofii Nauki na Uniwersytecie Kolumbii Brytyjskiej w Vancouver (18-21 czerwca 2008 r.) odbyły się dwa panele na temat neokantyzmu.


The Natural and the Neo-Kantian: Empirical Science and Neo-Kantianism
Chair: Alex Klein

In What Ways Was Helmholtz Kantian?
Gary Hatfield, University of Pennsylvania

Empirical Psychology, Physiology, and the A Priori
Lydia Patton, Virginia Tech

Empirical Psychology and Marburg School Neo-Kantianism on the Object of Psychology
Scott Edgar, Bryn Mawr College

Function and Symbol in Marburg Philosophy of Science
Alan Kim, Hamilton College

Cassirer on Logic, Mathematics, and Science
Chair: Scott Edgar

"Critical philosophy begins at the very point where logistic leaves off": Cassirer’s response to Frege and Russell
Jeremy Heis, University of California at Irvine

Cassirer and Dedekind: On the significance of structural mathematics
Erich Reck, University of California at Riverside

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