Alan Kim: Plato in German. Kant – Natorp – Heidegger. Academia Verlag. St. Augustin 2010.
W serii International Plato Studies ukazała się książka dotycząca recepcji filozofii Platona w Niemczech. Autor przede wszystkim koncentruje się na analizach Kanta, Natorpa oraz Heideggera. W sumie chodzi jednak o nieco szerszy obraz znaczenia myśli Platona (głównie teorii idei) w myśli post-kantowskiej – nie tylko jako przedmiot interpretacji, lecz także jako model filozofowania. Książka może stanowić ciekawe uzupełnienie pracy Karla-Heinza Lembecka z 1994 roku Plato in Marburg.
Autorem jest profesor filozofii na Colgate University (Hamilton, NY), który napisał już kilka ciekawych tekstów o Platonie i Natorpie.
Nicolai Hartmann International Conference
The Nicolai Hartmann Society organizes the first
Rome, 19-21 July 2010
We welcome papers on any portion of Hartmann’s philosophy, its place in the history of philosophy, and its relevance for contemporary issues. To participate please send a two-page abstract to Roberto Poli ( before the end of February 2010.
The conference’s language is English.
Program Committee: Robert Jordan; Eugene Kelly; Andreas Kinneging; Roberto Poli; Carlo Scognamiglio; Frederic Tremblay
Local Organization: Carlo Scognamiglio
Relevant dates:
Abstracts: February 28
Acceptance/rejection: April, 30
Early registration: May 31
Conference: July 19-21
A list of hotels, organized by price range, will be circulated in due time.
The first general assembly of the Nicolai Hartmann Society will be held during the conference.
Rome, 19-21 July 2010
We welcome papers on any portion of Hartmann’s philosophy, its place in the history of philosophy, and its relevance for contemporary issues. To participate please send a two-page abstract to Roberto Poli ( before the end of February 2010.
The conference’s language is English.
Program Committee: Robert Jordan; Eugene Kelly; Andreas Kinneging; Roberto Poli; Carlo Scognamiglio; Frederic Tremblay
Local Organization: Carlo Scognamiglio
Relevant dates:
Abstracts: February 28
Acceptance/rejection: April, 30
Early registration: May 31
Conference: July 19-21
A list of hotels, organized by price range, will be circulated in due time.
The first general assembly of the Nicolai Hartmann Society will be held during the conference.
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