Zeit: 29.-31. Oktober 2010
Ort: Philipps-Universität Marburg, Konferenzraum im Schloss
Veranstalter: Andrea Marlen Esser, Mathias Gutmann, Maja Soboleva und Michael Weingarten.
Freitag, 29. Oktober 2010
18.00 h Begrüßungswort – Andrea Marlen Esser (Marburg)
18.30-19.15 h Der systematische Ort der Ästhetik bei Cohen und ihre Grundzüge – Tatiana Akindinova (Sankt Petersburg, Russland)
19.15-20.00 h Zur Kritik der genealogischen Ausdeutung der platonischen Ideenlehre –
Georg Mischs Kritik am Marburger Neukantianismus: Georg Misch – Michael Weingarten (Marburg)
20.15 h Abendessen
Samstag, 30. Oktober 2010
9.00-9.45 h Ein Russe in Davos 1929: Michail Bachtin im Gespräch mit dem
Neukantianismus und seinsgebundenen Denken – Vitalij Machlin (Moskau, Russland)
9.45-10.30 h Von der Kunst der Polyphonie zum Dialog der Äußerungen: Bachtins Zugang
zur Sprache – Marie-Cécile Bertau (München)
10.30-11.00 h Kaffeepause
11.00-11.45 h Die Bedeutungstheorien Mischs und Cassirers im Vergleich sowie ihre kritische Abgrenzung vom Marburger Neukantianismus – Maja Soboleva (Marburg)
11.45-12.30 h Die Funktion der Philosophie bei Ernst Cassirer – Mathias Gutmann (Karlsruhe)
13.00-15.00 h Mittagessen
15.00-15.45 h Über Walter Benjamins Wiederaufnahme der „transzendentalen Methode“ – Pierfrancesco Fiorato (Sassari/Genua)
15.43-16.30 h Walter Benjamin und der Neukantianismus – Heinrich Kaulen (Marburg)
16.30-17.00 h Kaffeepause
17.00-17.45 h Ausdruck im Medium des Geistes – Volker Schürmann (Leipzig)
17.45-19.00 h Diskussion
19.15 h Abendessen
Sonntag, 31. Oktober 2010
W dniach 19-21 lipca 2010 w Rzymie odbyła się pierwsza międzynarodowa konferencja zorganizowana przez istniejące od marca 2009 roku Nicolai Hartmann Society. Raport z konferencji dostępny jest [tutaj].
The Center for Jewish Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy, VU University, Amsterdam will host a conference on the theme:
Die Natur des Denkens und das Denken der Natur –
Spinoza, Trendelenburg und Cohen.
The conference is organized by Prof. Dr. R. W. Munk in contact with the Hermann Cohen Gesellschaft (Zürich).
The list of speakers includes:
Franco Biasutti (Padua),
Emanuela Scribano (Siena),
Detlev Pätzold (Groningen),
Andrea Poma (Turin),
Ursula Renz (Klagenfurt),
Wouter Goris (Amsterdam),
Marco Giovanelli (Turin),
Kenneth Seeskin (Evaston, Ill),
Erik Kreiter (Amsterdam),
Pierfrancesco Fiorato (Sassari),
Robert Gibbs (Toronto),
Luca Bertolino (Turin),
Reinier Munk (Amsterdam).
The languages of the conference will be English and German.
Venue: Oud-Poelgeest, Leiden, The Netherlands
Program (draft 05-05-10)
Monday, June 21
09.00 opening remarks
09.30 Franco Biasutti (Padua)
10.30 Wouter Goris (Amsterdam): “Spinoza and the Stoics”
11.30 Emanuela Scribano (Siena): “Idea, judgement, and the necessity of error in Spinoza”
12.30 lunch
14.00 Detlev Pätzold (Groningen): “Spinoza’s Begriff der Natur”
15.00 Kenneth Seeskin (Evaston, Ill.): “What Nature Thinks in Spinoza”
16.00 Ursula Renz (Klagenfurt): "The perspective of finite subjects in Spinoza's Ethics"
17.30 Mitgliederversammlung HCG
19.00 dinner
Tuesday, June 22
09.00 Erik Kreiter (Amsterdam): “On Trendelenburg’s Metaphysics”
10.00 Reinier Munk (Amsterdam): “Trendelenburg on Spinoza”
11.00 Marco Giovanelli (Torino): “Trendelenburg und die Bedeutung der Negation für die nachkantische Philosophie”
12.00 Pierfrancesco Fiorato (Sassari): “Denken -- durch den Zusammenhang bedingt. Über das Theorem einer Kontinuität der Denkmotive in H. Cohens Logik des Ursprungs”
13.00 lunch
14.00 Ph-D presentations
Paul Nahme (Toronto)
Mark A. Kaplowitz (New York)
Maxim Djomin (St. Petersburg)
Beate Ulrike Sayed (Potsdam)
Tyson Gofton (Toronto)
19.00 dinner
Wednesday, June 23
09.00 Luca Bertolino (Torino): “Cohen über Spinoza”
10.00 Andrea Poma (Torino): “Die Natur des Denkens”
11.00 Robert Gibbs (Toronto)
12.00 Closing remarks
12.30 lunch
The Center for Jewish Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy, VU University, Amsterdam will host a conference on the theme:
Die Natur des Denkens und das Denken der Natur –
Spinoza, Trendelenburg und Cohen.
The conference is organized by Prof. Dr. R. W. Munk in contact with the Hermann Cohen Gesellschaft (Zürich).
The list of speakers includes:
Franco Biasutti (Padua),
Emanuela Scribano (Siena),
Detlev Pätzold (Groningen),
Andrea Poma (Turin),
Ursula Renz (Klagenfurt),
Wouter Goris (Amsterdam),
Marco Giovanelli (Turin),
Kenneth Seeskin (Evaston, Ill),
Erik Kreiter (Amsterdam),
Pierfrancesco Fiorato (Sassari),
Robert Gibbs (Toronto),
Luca Bertolino (Turin),
Reinier Munk (Amsterdam).
The languages of the conference will be English and German.
Venue: Oud-Poelgeest, Leiden, The Netherlands
Program (draft 05-05-10)
Monday, June 21
09.00 opening remarks
09.30 Franco Biasutti (Padua)
10.30 Wouter Goris (Amsterdam): “Spinoza and the Stoics”
11.30 Emanuela Scribano (Siena): “Idea, judgement, and the necessity of error in Spinoza”
12.30 lunch
14.00 Detlev Pätzold (Groningen): “Spinoza’s Begriff der Natur”
15.00 Kenneth Seeskin (Evaston, Ill.): “What Nature Thinks in Spinoza”
16.00 Ursula Renz (Klagenfurt): "The perspective of finite subjects in Spinoza's Ethics"
17.30 Mitgliederversammlung HCG
19.00 dinner
Tuesday, June 22
09.00 Erik Kreiter (Amsterdam): “On Trendelenburg’s Metaphysics”
10.00 Reinier Munk (Amsterdam): “Trendelenburg on Spinoza”
11.00 Marco Giovanelli (Torino): “Trendelenburg und die Bedeutung der Negation für die nachkantische Philosophie”
12.00 Pierfrancesco Fiorato (Sassari): “Denken -- durch den Zusammenhang bedingt. Über das Theorem einer Kontinuität der Denkmotive in H. Cohens Logik des Ursprungs”
13.00 lunch
14.00 Ph-D presentations
Paul Nahme (Toronto)
Mark A. Kaplowitz (New York)
Maxim Djomin (St. Petersburg)
Beate Ulrike Sayed (Potsdam)
Tyson Gofton (Toronto)
19.00 dinner
Wednesday, June 23
09.00 Luca Bertolino (Torino): “Cohen über Spinoza”
10.00 Andrea Poma (Torino): “Die Natur des Denkens”
11.00 Robert Gibbs (Toronto)
12.00 Closing remarks
12.30 lunch
W środę 21 kwietnia 2010 roku w Instytucie Filozofii UŚ odbędzie się kolejne sympozjum w ramach cyklu: Wielcy Filozofowie i ich dzieła.
Spotkanie odbędzie się w sali sympozjalnej III Wydziału Nauk Społecznych UŚ (Katowice, ul. Bankowa 11, IV piętro) o godz. 10:00.
Program sympozjum:
- prof. dr hab. Bolesław Andrzejewski (UAM) - Ernst Cassirer - jeden czy dwa neokantyzmy?
- dr Przemysław Parszutowicz (IFiS PAN) - Filozofia jako krytyka poznania. O substancji i funkcji, albo o metodzie filozofii Ernsta Cassirera
- dr Tomasz Kubalica (UŚ) - Ernsta Cassirera krytyka teorii odbicia
- mgr Anna A. Musioł (UŚ) - Ernsta Cassirera refleksja nad problemem matematyki. Ujęcie historyczno-systematyczne
Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych!
Alan Kim: Plato in German. Kant – Natorp – Heidegger. Academia Verlag. St. Augustin 2010.
W serii International Plato Studies ukazała się książka dotycząca recepcji filozofii Platona w Niemczech. Autor przede wszystkim koncentruje się na analizach Kanta, Natorpa oraz Heideggera. W sumie chodzi jednak o nieco szerszy obraz znaczenia myśli Platona (głównie teorii idei) w myśli post-kantowskiej – nie tylko jako przedmiot interpretacji, lecz także jako model filozofowania. Książka może stanowić ciekawe uzupełnienie pracy Karla-Heinza Lembecka z 1994 roku Plato in Marburg.
Autorem jest profesor filozofii na Colgate University (Hamilton, NY), który napisał już kilka ciekawych tekstów o Platonie i Natorpie.
W serii International Plato Studies ukazała się książka dotycząca recepcji filozofii Platona w Niemczech. Autor przede wszystkim koncentruje się na analizach Kanta, Natorpa oraz Heideggera. W sumie chodzi jednak o nieco szerszy obraz znaczenia myśli Platona (głównie teorii idei) w myśli post-kantowskiej – nie tylko jako przedmiot interpretacji, lecz także jako model filozofowania. Książka może stanowić ciekawe uzupełnienie pracy Karla-Heinza Lembecka z 1994 roku Plato in Marburg.
Autorem jest profesor filozofii na Colgate University (Hamilton, NY), który napisał już kilka ciekawych tekstów o Platonie i Natorpie.
Nicolai Hartmann International Conference
The Nicolai Hartmann Society organizes the first
Rome, 19-21 July 2010
We welcome papers on any portion of Hartmann’s philosophy, its place in the history of philosophy, and its relevance for contemporary issues. To participate please send a two-page abstract to Roberto Poli (roberto.poli@soc.unitn.it) before the end of February 2010.
The conference’s language is English.
Program Committee: Robert Jordan; Eugene Kelly; Andreas Kinneging; Roberto Poli; Carlo Scognamiglio; Frederic Tremblay
Local Organization: Carlo Scognamiglio
Relevant dates:
Abstracts: February 28
Acceptance/rejection: April, 30
Early registration: May 31
Conference: July 19-21
A list of hotels, organized by price range, will be circulated in due time.
The first general assembly of the Nicolai Hartmann Society will be held during the conference.
Rome, 19-21 July 2010
We welcome papers on any portion of Hartmann’s philosophy, its place in the history of philosophy, and its relevance for contemporary issues. To participate please send a two-page abstract to Roberto Poli (roberto.poli@soc.unitn.it) before the end of February 2010.
The conference’s language is English.
Program Committee: Robert Jordan; Eugene Kelly; Andreas Kinneging; Roberto Poli; Carlo Scognamiglio; Frederic Tremblay
Local Organization: Carlo Scognamiglio
Relevant dates:
Abstracts: February 28
Acceptance/rejection: April, 30
Early registration: May 31
Conference: July 19-21
A list of hotels, organized by price range, will be circulated in due time.
The first general assembly of the Nicolai Hartmann Society will be held during the conference.
Normativity in Neo-Kantianism: Its Rise and Fall
Frederick C. Beiser
(Syracuse University, USA)
International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Volume 17, Issue 1 February 2009 , pages 9 - 27
(Syracuse University, USA)
International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Volume 17, Issue 1 February 2009 , pages 9 - 27
This article discusses the historical background to the concept of normativity which has a wide use in contemporary philosophy. It locates the origin of that concept in the Southwestern Neo-Kantian school, the writings of Windelband, Rickert and Lask. The Southwestern school made the concept of normativity central to epistemology, ethics and the interpretation of German idealism. It was their solution to the threats of psycologism and historicism. However, Windelband, Rickert and Lask found difficulties with the concept which eventually forced them to abandon it. These difficulties might be of interest to contemporary philosophers who find the concept of normativity appealing.
Keywords: Normativity; Southwestern Neo-Kantianism; Rickert; Lask; Windelbcand
This article discusses the historical background to the concept of normativity which has a wide use in contemporary philosophy. It locates the origin of that concept in the Southwestern Neo-Kantian school, the writings of Windelband, Rickert and Lask. The Southwestern school made the concept of normativity central to epistemology, ethics and the interpretation of German idealism. It was their solution to the threats of psycologism and historicism. However, Windelband, Rickert and Lask found difficulties with the concept which eventually forced them to abandon it. These difficulties might be of interest to contemporary philosophers who find the concept of normativity appealing.
Keywords: Normativity; Southwestern Neo-Kantianism; Rickert; Lask; Windelbcand
Die Natur des Denkens und das Denken der Natur – Spinoza, Trendelenburg, und H. Cohen
- Amsterdam 2010 Colloquium Jewish Philosophy
The Center for Jewish Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy, VU University, Amsterdam will host a conference on the theme:
Die Natur des Denkens und das Denken der Natur – Spinoza, Trendelenburg, und H. Cohen.
The conference is organized in collaboration with the Hermann Cohen Gesellschaft, in Zürich.
The list of speakers includes: Franco Biasutti ( Padua ), Emanuela Scribano ( Siena ), Detlev Pätzold ( Groningen ), Andrea Poma ( Turin ), Ursula Renz ( Klagenfurt ), Wouter Goris ( Amsterdam ), Marco Giovanelli ( Turin ), Erik Kreiter ( Amsterdam ), Pierfrancesco Fiorato ( Sassari ), Robert Gibbs ( Toronto ), Luca Bertolino ( Turin ), and Reinier Munk ( Amsterdam ). The two languages of the conference will be English and German.
The colloquium is scheduled to take place June 21-23, 2010. Venue of the colloquium will be the Conference Hotel ‘Oud Poelgeest’, which is located in the vicinity of Leiden , The Netherlands.
If you would like to participate in the conference, please let us know by returning email at: NaturDesDenkens@gmail.com You will subsequently receive information about the conference fee and the full program of the colloquium. The program offers the possibility for PhD-students in the field of Neo-Kantianism and esp. Cohen to present their research program. We would like to welcome proposals for PhD-presentations at the email address mentioned above, and encourage PhD-students to apply.
Please be informed that there is a maximum number of 35 participants for this conference.
We look forward to receiving your reply.
Best regards,
Dr Erik Kreiter
Prof. Reinier Munk
Please send all your emails related to the colloquium to the conference’s email address: NaturDesDenkens@gmail.com
Prof. Reinier Munk
Chair History of Modern Philosophy and Modern Jewish Philosophy
Faculty of Philosophy
VU University
The Center for Jewish Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy, VU University, Amsterdam will host a conference on the theme:
Die Natur des Denkens und das Denken der Natur – Spinoza, Trendelenburg, und H. Cohen.
The conference is organized in collaboration with the Hermann Cohen Gesellschaft, in Zürich.
The list of speakers includes: Franco Biasutti ( Padua ), Emanuela Scribano ( Siena ), Detlev Pätzold ( Groningen ), Andrea Poma ( Turin ), Ursula Renz ( Klagenfurt ), Wouter Goris ( Amsterdam ), Marco Giovanelli ( Turin ), Erik Kreiter ( Amsterdam ), Pierfrancesco Fiorato ( Sassari ), Robert Gibbs ( Toronto ), Luca Bertolino ( Turin ), and Reinier Munk ( Amsterdam ). The two languages of the conference will be English and German.
The colloquium is scheduled to take place June 21-23, 2010. Venue of the colloquium will be the Conference Hotel ‘Oud Poelgeest’, which is located in the vicinity of Leiden , The Netherlands.
If you would like to participate in the conference, please let us know by returning email at: NaturDesDenkens@gmail.com You will subsequently receive information about the conference fee and the full program of the colloquium. The program offers the possibility for PhD-students in the field of Neo-Kantianism and esp. Cohen to present their research program. We would like to welcome proposals for PhD-presentations at the email address mentioned above, and encourage PhD-students to apply.
Please be informed that there is a maximum number of 35 participants for this conference.
We look forward to receiving your reply.
Best regards,
Dr Erik Kreiter
Prof. Reinier Munk
Please send all your emails related to the colloquium to the conference’s email address: NaturDesDenkens@gmail.com
Prof. Reinier Munk
Chair History of Modern Philosophy and Modern Jewish Philosophy
Faculty of Philosophy
VU University
Cohen w anegdocie
Walter Benjamin lubił opowiadać anegdotkę na temat Hermanna Cohena. Na uniwersytecie w Marburgu nawet farmaceuci, którzy chcieli uzyskać dyplom musieli zdawać filozofię. Pewnego dnia do egzaminowania został wysłany Cohen. Zapytał on kandydata na farmaceutę: „Co Pan wie o Platonie?” Kandydat odpowiada, że nigdy nie słyszał tego nazwiska. Cohen pyta dalej: „Czy może Pan powiedzieć na temat głównych doktryn Spinozy?” Cisza. Zrozpaczony Cohen pyta wreszcie: „Czy może Pan mi powiedzieć, jaki był najważniejszy filozof XVIII wieku?” Twarz farmaceuty rozjaśniła się i zaczyna coś odpowiadać. Cohen aktywnie zachęca go. Wreszcie kandydat mówi: „Kaut, Herr Geheimrat!”. Słysząc tą odpowiedz Cohen rozpłakał się.
Scholem Gershom Gerhard: Walter Benjamin: The Story of a Friendship. New York 2003, s. 135.
Neo-Kantianism in Contemporary Philosophy (Studies in Continental Thought)

Red. Rudolf A. Makkreel, Sebastian Luft
Opracowanie na temat neokantyzmu w odniesieniu do innych współczesnych kierunków filozoficznych. W 20-stym wieku wraz z pojawieniem się fenomenologii, egzystencjalizmu i szkoły frankfurckiej neokantyzm został uznany za zbyt wąski, zbyt akademicki i zbyt naukowy. Zaprezentowane w zbiorze rozprawy wprowadzają neokantyzm na nowo do dyskursu filozoficznego. Przedstawiają one neokantyzm w szerszej perspektywie i ponownie dokonują oceny jego wpływu. Praca stanowi nowe i ważne źródło wiedzy na temat historii filozofii transcendentalnej na temat myśli neokantowskiej i jej wpływu na naukę i intelektualną kulturę współczesną.
Table of Contents
AcknowledgmentsIntroduction / Rudolf A. Makkreel and Sebastian Luft
Part 1. Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, and Neo-Kantianism
1. Neo-Kantianism and Phenomenology: The Problem of Intuition / Helmut Holzhey
2. The Hermeneutics of Perception in Cassirer, Heidegger, and Husserl / Rudolf Bernet
3. Reconstruction and Reduction: Natorp and Husserl on Method and the Question of Subjectivity / Sebastian Luft
4. The Neo-Kantian Heritage in Gadamer / Jean Grondin
Part 2. The Nature of Transcendental Philosophy
5. Interpreting Kant Correctly: On the Kant of the Neo-Kantians / Manfred Kühn
6. The Highest Principle and the Principle of Origin in Hermann Cohen's Theoretical Philosophy / Jürgen Stolzenberg
7. Transcendental Logic and Minimal Empiricism: Lask and McDowell on the Unboundedness of the Conceptual / Steven G. Crowell
Part 3. The Neo-Kantians and the Sciences
8. Ernst Cassirer and Thomas Kuhn: The Neo-Kantian Tradition in the History and Philosophy of Science / Michael Friedman
9. To Reach for Metaphysics:
Part 4. History, Culture, and Value
10. Wilhelm Dilthey and the Neo-Kantians: On the Conceptual Distinctions between Geisteswissenschaften and Kulturwissenschaften / Rudolf A. Makkreel
11. The Multiplicity of Virtues and the Problem of Unity in Hermann Cohen's Ethics and Philosophy of Religion / Reiner Wiehl
12. Is Cassirer a Neo-Kantian Methodologically Speaking? / Massimo Ferrari
List of Contributors
Indiana University Press
344 stron,
Indiana University Press (2009-11-01)
ISBN: 0253221447
Cena: $27.95
Cena w Amazon: $25.33
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